Journal papers
[J16] A. Ibraheem, Z. Sheng, G Parisis, “On the optimal design of fully identifiable next-generation in-vehicle networks”, in Computer Communications 226–227,, 2024.
[J15] L. Giacomoni and G. Parisis, “RayNet: A Simulation Platform for Developing Reinforcement Learning-Driven Network Protocols”, in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Volume 34, Issue 3, pp 1–25, doi: 10.1145/3653975, 2024.
[J14] M. Alasmar, G. Parisis and J. Crowcroft, “SCDP: Systematic Rateless Coding for Efficient Data Transport in Data Centers”, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 2723-2736, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2021.3098386.
[J13] M. Alasmar, R. Clegg, N. Zakhleniuk and G. Parisis, “Internet Traffic Volumes Are Not Gaussian – They Are Log-Normal: An 18-Year Longitudinal Study With Implications for Modelling and Prediction”, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 1266-1279, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2021.3059542.
[J12] A. Messager, G. Parisis, I. Z. Kiss, R. Harper, P. Tee and L. Berthouze, “Inferring Functional Connectivity from Time-series of Events in Large Scale Network Deployments”, in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 16, no. 3, 2019.
[J11] M. Kheirkhah, I. Wakeman and G. Parisis, “Multipath Transport and Packet Spraying for Efficient Data Delivery in Data Centres”, in Computer Networks, vol. 162, 2019.
[J10] P. Tee, G. Parisis, L. Berthouze and I. Wakeman, “Relating Vertex and Global Graph Entropy in Randomly Generated Graphs”, in Entropy 2018, 20(7), 481.
[J9] A. Rajaei, D. Chalmers, I. Wakeman, and G. Parisis, “Efficient Geocasting in Opportunistic Networks”, in Computer Communications, vol. 127, 2018.
[J8] P. Tee, I. Wakeman, G. Parisis and J. Dawes, I. Kiss, “Constraints and entropy in a model of network evolution”, in European Physical Journal B, 90 (11) 226, 2017.
[J7] P. Tee, G. Parisis and I. Wakeman, “Vertex Entropy as a Critical Node Measure in Network Monitoring”, in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 14, no. 3, 2017.
[J6] G. Parisis, V. Sourlas, K.V. Katsaros, W.K. Chai, G. Pavlou, and I. Wakeman, “Efficient content delivery through fountain coding in opportunistic information-centric networks”, in Computer Communications, vol. 100, 2017.
[J5] G. Parisis and D. Trossen, “Filling the gaps of unused capacity through a fountain coded dissemination of information”, in SIGMOBILE Mobile Computer Communnications Review 18, 1, 2014.
[J4] B. Tagger, D. Trossen, A. Kostopoulos, S. Porter and G. Parisis, “Realising an application environment for information-centric networking, in Computer Networks, vol. 57, Issue 16, 2013.
[J3] G. Parisis, D. Trossen and H. Asaeda, “A Node Design and a Framework for Development and Experimentation for an Information-Centric Network”, in IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E96-B, Issue 7, 2013.
[J2] D. Trossen and G. Parisis, “Designing and Realizing an Information-Centric Internet”, in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 50, Issue 7, 2012.
[J1] A. Kousaridas, G. Parisis, and T. Apostolopoulos, “An open financial services architecture based on the use of intelligent mobile devices”, in Electronic Commerce Research Applications, 7 (2), 2008.
Conference and Workshop Papers
[C40] L. Giacomoni and G. Parisis, Reinforcement Learning-based Congestion Control: A Systematic Evaluation of Fairness, Efficiency and Responsiveness, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM , 2024.
[C39] A. Ibraheem, Z. Sheng, and G. Parisis, Anomaly Detection and Classification for SDN-enabled In-Vehicle Network using Network Tomography-based Deep Learning, in Proc. of IEEE WCNC , 2024.
[C38] A. Valentine and G. Parisis, Data transport for the orbiting internet, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (poster session), 2023.
[C37] G. Winchester, G. Parisis, and L. Berthouze, On the temporal behaviour of a large-scale microservice architecture, in Proc. of IEEE/IFIP AnNet, 2023.
[C36] Ibraheem, Z. Sheng, G. Parisis, D. Tian, Network tomography-based anomaly detection and localisation in centralised in-vehicle network, in Proc. of IEEE COINS, 2023,
[C35] G. Winchester, G. Parisis, and L. Berthouze, Accelerating Causal Inference Based RCA Using Prior Knowledge from Functional Connectivity Inference, in Proc. of CNSM, 2022.
[C34] A. Ibraheem, Z. Sheng, G. Parisis, J. Zhou, D. Tian, Internal network monitoring with DNN and network tomography for in-vehicle networks, in Proc. of IEEE ICUS, 2022.
[C33] A. Ibraheem, Z. Sheng, G. Parisis, D. Tian, In-Vehicle Network Delay Tomography, in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, 2022.
[C32] G. Winchester, G. Parisis, and L. Berthouze, “Exploiting Functional Connectivity Inference for Efficient Root Cause Analysis”, in Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP NOMS, 2022.
[C31] A. Valentine and G. Parisis, “Developing and experimenting with LEO satellite constellations in OMNeT++”, In Proceedings of the 8th OMNeT++ Community Summit, 2021.
[C30] A. Ibraheem, Z. Sheng, G. Parisis, D. Tian, “Neural Network based Partial Tomography for In-Vehicle Network Monitoring”, In Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2021 Workshop on Time-sensitive and Deterministic Networking, 2021.
[C29] V. Klimis, G. Parisis and B. Reus, “Model Checking Software-Defined Networks with Flow Entries that Time Out”, In Proceedings of Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 2020.
[C28] V. Klimis, G. Parisis and B. Reus, “Towards Model Checking Real-World Software-Defined Networks”, In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), 2020.
[C27] M. Alasmar and G. Parisis, “Evaluating modern data centre transport protocols in OMNeT++/INET”, In Proceedings of the 6th OMNeT++ Community Summit, 2019.
[C26] M. Alasmar, G. Parisis, R. Clegg, N. Zakhleniuk, “On the Distribution of Traffic Volumes in the Internet and its Implications”, In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, 2019.
[C25] A. Messager, G. Parisis, I. Z. Kiss, R. Harper, P. Tee and L. Berthouze, “Functional Topology Inference from Network Events”, In Proceedings of IFIP/IEEE IM 2019.
[C24] M. Alasmar, G. Parisis and J. Crowcroft, “Polyraptor: Embracing Path and Data Redundancy in Data Centres for Efficient Data Transport”, In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM (poster session), 2018.
[C23] A. Messager, G. Parisis, R. Harper, P. Tee, I.Z. Kiss and L. Berthouze, “Network Events in a Large Commercial Network: What can we learn?”, In IFIP NOMS AnNet Workshop 2018.
[C22] P. Fussey and G. Parisis, An In-Vehicle Software Defined Network Architecture for Connected and Automated Vehicles, In Proceedings of the ACM MobiCom workshop on Smart, Autonomous, and Connected Vehicular Systems and Services, 2017.
[C21] P. Tee, G. Parisis, and I. Wakeman, Towards an Approximate Graph Entropy Measure for Identifying Incidents in Network Event Data, In Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Analytics for Network and Service Management (AnNet), 2016.
[C20] A. Rajaei, D. Chalmers, I. Wakeman, and G. Parisis, “GSAF: Efficient and Flexible Geocasting for Opportunistic Networks”, In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2016.
[C19] M.Kheirkhah, I.Wakeman and G.Parisis, “MMPTCP: A Multipath Transport Protocol for Data Centres”, In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, 2016.
[C18] G. Parisis, V, Sourlas, K.V. Katsaros, W.K. Chai, G. Pavlou, “Enhancing Multi-source Content Delivery in Content-Centric Networks with Fountain Coding”, In Proceedings of CoNEXT CCDWN Workshop, 2015.
[C17] M.Kheirkhah, I.Wakeman and G.Parisis, “Short vs. Long Flows: A Battle That Both Can Win”, In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM (poster sessions), 2015.
[C16] M.Kheirkhah, I.Wakeman and G.Parisis, “Multipath-TCP in ns-3”, In Proceedings of the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), 2014.
[C15] G. Parisis, T. Moncaster, A. Madhavapeddy, J. Crowcroft, “ Trevi: watering down storage hotspots with cool fountain codes”, In Proceedings of HotNets-XII, 2013.
[C14] G. Parisis and D. Trossen, “Filling the Gaps of Unused Capacity through a Fountain Coded Dissemination of Information”, In Proceedings of ACM MobiCom LCDNet, 2013 (best paper award).
[C13] G. Parisis and D. Trossen, “Digital Fountains in Information-Centric Networking”, In Proceedings of SIGCOMM workshop on Information-Centric Networking (poster session), 2013.
[C12] G. Parisis, D. Trossen and D. Syrivelis, “Implementation and Evaluation of an Information-Centric Network”, In Proceedings of IFIP Networking, 2013.
[C11] G. Parisis, B. Tagger, D. Trossen, C. Tsilopoulos, Y. Thomas, C. Stais and G. Xylomenos, “Demonstrating Usage Diversity Over an Information-Centric Network”, In Proceedings of INFOCOM (Demo Sessions), 2013.
[C10] P. Flegkas, V. Sourlas, G. Parisis and D. Trossen, “Storage Replication in Information-Centric Networking”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, 2013.
[C9] D. Syrivelis, G. Parisis, D. Trossen, P. Flegkas, V. Sourlas, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, “Pursuing a Software-Defined Information-Centric Network”, In Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Defined Networking (EWSDN), 2012.
[C8] G. Parisis, B. Tagger, D. Trossen, D. Syrivelis, P. Flegkas, L. Tassiulas, C. Tsilopoulos and G. Xylomenos, “Demonstrating an Information-Centric Network in an International Testbed”, In Proceedings of TridentCom 2012.
[C7] D. Trossen, X. Vasilakos, P. Flegkas, V. Sourlas and G. Parisis, “Mobility Work Re-Visited Not Considered Harmful”, In Proceedings of ICUMT, 2011.
[C6] G. Parisis, G. Xylomenos and T. Apostolopoulos, “DHTbd: A Reliable Block-Based Storage System for High Performance Clusters”, In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM CCGrid, 2013.
[C5] G. Parisis and D. Trossen, “Towards an implementation of an information-centric network”, In Proceedings of the Euro-NF International Workshop on Traffic and Congestion Control for the Future Internet, 2011.
[C4] G. Parisis, G. Xylomenos and D. Gritzalis, “BLAST: Off-the-shelf hardware for building an efficient hash-based cluster storage system”, In Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, 2009.
[C3] G. Parisis and T. Apostolopoulos “A distributed hash table-based approach for providing a file system neutral, robust and resilient storage infrastructure”, In Proceedings of the Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI), 2009.
[C2] G. Parisis, S. Arkoulis and T. Apostolopoulos, “An Open Architecture for Monitoring and Measuring QoS Indicators in Wireless Community Networks”, In Proceedings of the Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI), 2008.
[C1] A. Kousaridas, G. Parisis and T. Apostolopoulos. “Mobile Financial Services: A scenario-driven requirements’ analysis”, In Proceedings of WEBIST, 2007.